Tuesday, September 24, 2013

2014 Kia Soul Commercial

This is the 2014 Kia Soul Hamster Commercial, with the song "Applause" by Lady Gaga. If you haven't seen it before, take a look now.

This is definitely one of my favorite commercials, on tv right now, for multiple reasons. It has catchy music, I'm singing along and usually singing after the ad is done, it's cute, a bunch of hamsters acting like people is adorable, and it's pretty funny, because those hamsters are trying to lose weight and impress girls while wearing comical t-shirts. It is also the perfect way to debut the new, sleeker version of the Kia Soul.

Clips of the hamsters are cut with clips of a designer remodeling and tweaking the Soul's shape and features and then the final product of both are revealed at the end. It makes a statement, this is a new look, and it's funny enough to be memorable, especially when you can associate the hamsters with the car from previous ads and in the future.

Even though I have no desire to buy the Kia Soul, this ad is entertaining and it's the only reason I know about the Soul and what Kia is capable of. Plus, others might like the look of the Soul and this ad could just be the first time they become aware of the option!

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