Friday, February 7, 2014

Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics Commercials

In honor of tonight's opening ceremonies in Sochi, I've decided to pick a few of my favorite ads for this year's winter Olympics! It would take a while to go into detail about all of these, so I'm mostly just gonna let them speak for themselves, which most are more than capable of doing.

P&G Thank You, Mom | Pick Them Back Up | Sochi 2014 Olympic Games:
P&G's Olympic campaign featuring Moms launched in 2012 and has been a huge success and I always look forward to their new ads!

NBC - "The Same" and "Care" promos:

Obviously NBC has cornered the market on Olympic coverage, so they spare no amount leading up to the games with ads most often featuring famous athletes. They also try to supply a good balance of drama, pride, and humor over their many short tv spots.

BBC Winter Olympics 2014 Trailer:
People are talking about this one because of its dramatic flare and the narrative by a Game of Thrones star (which I actually don't watch), but this ad is practically a movie it's done so well!

Visa Olympics Commercial - Sarah Hendrickson "Flying":
This one is my personal favorite, mostly because of the wonderful recording of Amelia Earhart, but also because it features a new female sport for the Olympic games. Also Visa's ads each Olympic season are always worth watching and listening to, thanks to Morgan Freeman (and his voice like rich molasses).

Canadian Pro Gay Olympic Games Luge PSA:
Considering recent upsets with Russia's Anti-Gay laws, this PSA should not be unexpected, but the approach is. It's a bit snarky and gratuitous, but well done. They've made a serious point, but did so in a humorous manner that lightened it.

And just because I felt like it, here's a winter ad by Nike with a little bit of Olympic flavor. It's pretty clever.

Winning in a Winter Wonderland - Nike:

Oh and a little extra shout out to the McDonald's "Celebrate with a Bite" campaign featuring the iconic Olympic athlete's gold medal nibble. Well done, McDonald's.

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